ADP Graduates Candidates

The IRBA is proud to present candidates who have successfully completed the Audit Development Programme. We wish candidates all the success in their roles within the profession. The IRBA would also like to extend our gratitude to the candidates’ Oversight RAs and their firms for their commitment and contribution to the success of the candidates.

Louise Botha

Graduation: 15 April 2024
ORA: Barend Kotze

 I successfully obtained my degree & completed my CTA full-time from North West University, with a focus on auditing.

My ultimate goal of becoming a CA(SA) led me to choose the audit route, and my training at the Auditor General South Africa opened my eyes to the significant impact auditing can have on the lives of South African citizens by promoting accountability and responsible service delivery.

As an audit manager at bdk Auditors, I had the opportunity to work in the interesting field of agriculture and build experience in finding solutions to complex issues, maintaining client relationships and managing team members.

My hunger for expanding my knowledge and vision of my career goals led me to enrol on the ADP, which provided me with a comprehensive review of auditing standards and technical aspects.

The program's emphasis on developing soft skills and building client trust is invaluable, and I highly recommend it to aspiring candidates.

Upon completion of the programme, countless opportunities became available, unlocking new potential for my career.

Sakhe Bido

Graduation: 15 April 2024
ORA: Shaun Errol Fisher

I completed my undergraduate degree at University of the Western Cape and completed my Post Graduate Diploma in Accounting (PGDA) at the University of Fort Hare.

Outside of auditing I enjoy going to the gym, physical exercise helps me in maintaining healthy weight, strength, boosts the immune system and above all it helps me to manage the auditing stress during tight audit deadlines. I also enjoy reading mainly non-fiction books as it is a great way to expand my knowledge.

One of my greatest aspirations revolves around becoming one of the highly skilled and respected professionals in the field of accounting and auditing. I aspire to continuously expanding my knowledge and expertise in auditing and eventually becoming the Audit Partner. “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams”. It was always my dream to be an Audit Partner and I still believe that I will attain that dream.

My motivation to pursue a career in auditing and remain in the profession on completion of my training contract was the impact and the value that as an Auditor I added to my clients and being an auditor was directly aligned with my career long term aspirations. Auditors play a crucial role in promoting accountability and transparency in financial reporting.

My experience with the ADP was astonishing and challenging at the same time because the program required a lot of time and attention. Sometimes, it was not easy to find time to complete and document all the sections on time. Eventually I managed to improve on time management and plan my time to accommodate the ADP. The ADP required a lot of reflection on technical and soft skills during the 18 month period. The reflection process helped me to track my level of experience and exposure to the auditing field. I could clearly see the areas where I needed to improve and also plan what I am going to do to attain the competencies required on the ADP. Through the reflection process and documenting my experience and competencies, I developed detailed writing skills in a professional manner.

My message of motivation to aspiring candidates is that you absolutely have a fascinating journey ahead of you. Grab the opportunity with both hands, the opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like hard work.

Sinqobile Vuma

Graduation: 15 April 2024
ORA: Navasha Moodley

I completed my Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting at the University of Fort Hare and my Post Graduate Diploma in Applied Accounting Sciences (CTA) at the University of South Africa.

I am passionate about children, outside of auditing I spend time with my children, and I also spend time with the Sunday school class at church.

My future career aspirations are to pursue a more technical route in order to ensure audit quality is maintained within the auditing industry.

My motivation to pursue a career in auditing and remain in the profession on completion of my training contract was my passion for delivering high-quality financial reporting and accounting services and ensuring compliance with standards and regulations and I believe the auditing profession would help me achieve that.

I love taking on new challenges in order to enhance my skills and the Audit Development Programme was an exciting challenge for me. My ORA encouraged me to pursue the ADP programme and was available to assist with any challenges throughout the program.

I am always encouraging other CAs in the auditing space to take on this challenge, the ADP program plays a critical role in enhancing your auditing skills.

Anthony Mkansi

Graduation: 29 February 2024
ORA: Jerome Andrews

I enrolled for my undergraduate studies at the University of Johannesburg and subsequently continued my post-graduate studies at the University of South Africa where I obtained my BCompt Financial Accounting Degree.

Outside of my professional endeavours, I dedicate a significant portion of my time to engaging in familial adventures and team-building activities, fostering enduring memories with my loved ones. Additionally, I have observed a prevailing deficiency in sound financial and governance protocols, which are pivotal for organisational success, within the small business landscape. In response, I engage in pro bono consulting initiatives aimed at supporting small business owners in the development of robust governance frameworks and financial procedures. By fostering good governance practices, alignment of direction, and sustainability, these efforts contribute not only to the success of individual enterprises but also hold the potential to enhance the economic development of our country, given that small businesses typically reinvest their returns locally. For mental peace, I spend a portion of my time on classical music with local and church choirs.

As an advocate of lifelong learning, I am deeply committed to fostering continuous training and development opportunities for professionals within the auditing sphere. This unwavering dedication drives my daily endeavours, urging me and my peers to persevere and firmly remain focused on our collective journey towards greater accomplishments.

Within the auditing profession, I embrace the opportunity to mentor and nurture a diverse group of young professionals. Our primary objective centres on cultivating robust levels of professional and technical proficiency. Witnessing the evolution of these individuals towards competence brings me immeasurable joy and fulfilment. Moreover, I derive huge satisfaction from the dynamic and ever-evolving nature of our client engagements. Each client presents a unique set of challenges, necessitating adaptive approaches and innovative solutions. Embracing these challenges not only fuels my motivation but also emphasises the importance for ongoing personal and professional growth.

In essence, my commitment to continuous learning, coupled with the multifaceted nature of our profession, serves as a catalyst for perpetual development and excellence in auditing practice.

The Audit Development Program (ADP) offers a comprehensive perspective on the objectives and essence of the auditing profession. It facilitated the cultivation of a broader comprehension of my role as an auditor and activated a transformative shift in mindset. Presently, I possess refined methodologies and approaches for addressing complex professional and personal challenges. Moreover, the program provided a platform for self-reflection and gap analysis, identifying areas necessitating improvement to enhance my contribution as a professional auditor, enriching society through value addition.

Significant enhancements are evident across analytical, professional writing, and problem-solving proficiencies, as well as knowledge expansion and awareness. The Oversight Reviewers (ORAs) within my firm demonstrate profound dedication to the program, extending invaluable support to candidates encountering challenges. Their unwavering assistance served as a source of motivation, enabling me to conquer obstacles and successfully complete the program within the designated timeframe.

To prospective candidates, I affirm that the ADP program presents a rare and exceptional opportunity for personal and professional growth. Embrace this opportunity with pride, fostering a comprehensive understanding of the auditing profession that will undoubtedly enrich your career path.

Sandra De Kramer

Graduation: 27 November 2023
ORA: Matthew Paul Black

I completed my degree at the University of the Free State in Bloemfontein. My passions outside of audit are my family, my two precious little girls and my supportive husband who kept me motivated throughout this process. I also love discovering new recipes to try out.

With all the changes happening in in the auditing space, I would love to continue learning. My goal is to pass my knowledge on to the next generation of accountants, financial managers, CFO’s etc. I would also like to advance in my firm. I can achieve this by being an asset to them through improving their systems, such as finding the most efficient ways of reaching goals without compromising on the quality and standard of our work.

I am extremely passionate about auditing! This motivated me to pursue a career in auditing and remain in the profession after completing my training contract. My favourite part of the job is training new clerks. I love seeing their growth, assisting them and guiding them throughout their contracts with the result of seeing confident CA’s leaving our firm and entering the business world.

I found the Audit Development Programme quite challenging. However, it also forced me to take a step back and reflect on what I had accomplished over the past couple of months. This reflection reminded me of the challenges I faced, the triumphs I achieved and how much I enjoy what I do. The most valued skill I developed during this program was perseverance. Perseverance led to me to this point (en route to become a RA) and assists me in my current role in my firm. It also motivates me to lead my clerks and ensure that not only do we get our work done, but that do it well.

My ORA was brilliant. He was very supportive throughout the process and was always ready to help me whenever I needed his assistance.

My message to aspiring candidates is that you should never give up. If this is truly what you want, then no matter what challenges you might face, once you have passed through the storm, it will all be worth it in the end.

Sean Stander

Graduation: 27 November 2023
ORA: Gerhard Pieterse

I studied at Stellenbosch University and outside of auditing, I enjoy hitting the golf course with friends, family, and colleagues whenever I can.

Funny thing is, I wasn't entirely sure if I was going to pursue a career in auditing. During my training contract, my audit manager took a different path, and I found myself stepping into his shoes. That move changed everything. As an audit manager for two years, I started to enjoy auditing, especially scrutinising tiny details and problem-solving. I now aspire to be a director and partner of a firm.

The Audit Development Programme (ADP) was an eye-opener. It took me from just following audit procedures, to understanding the practical implementation of the ISA’s. The dots between theory and practice started connecting.

Big shoutout to my current firm for sponsoring my ADP journey and the ORA for assisting me where necessary. It gave me this whole new perspective on the practical side of the ISA’s and why being a Registered Auditor is gold for job security, especially in a world where artificial intelligence (AI) is on the rise.

I believe that no matter how much AI advances, a Registered Auditor's role is not going anywhere.

Sherrol Molepo

Graduation: 27 November 2023
ORA: Thomas Geza

I completed my degree at Rhodes University.

My motivation to pursue a career in Auditing and remain in the profession after I completed my training contract was encouragement from my firm to register on the Audit Development Programme as they saw my passion in leading audit engagements. My future career aspirations are to be a Director.

The Audit Development Programme is very detailed, and it really helps an ADP student to learn and grow in the process. I received enormous guidance and mentorship from my ORA during the programme. I also received so many opportunities from my employer in terms of client exposure so that I meet the requirements of the programme.

My message to aspiring candidates is to register on the ADP as this programme moulds you into a top tier assurance leader.


Monique Barnard

Graduation: 21 November 2023
ORA: Christian Jenkinson

I started my undergraduate degree at the North-West University and completed my BCom (Chartered Accountancy) at the end of 2006. In 2007 I completed my Honours in BCom (Professional Accountancy) at North-West University and then started my articles as a SAIPA Professional Accountant in 2008 and completed my articles in 2011. I obtained my Diploma as a Professional Accountant (SA) in May 2013. I also did a postgraduate diploma in Taxation in 2014 at the University of South Africa (UNISA).

One of the directors at the office that I worked at, who was my mentor, encouraged me to get involved in auditing work and I was promoted to audit senior with my experience as a Professional Accountant. I then decided to further my career and become a CA(SA).

I completed my Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting Sciences and Applied Accounting Sciences at the University of South Africa (UNISA) from 2017-2019. During this time I concurrently completed my SAICA articles after which I passed my ITC exam in January 2020, my APC exam in November 2021 and registered as a CA(SA) in 2022.

My biggest passion outside of the auditing world is my family and the outside world. I love nature and enjoying life with my family.

I have an opportunity to become a partner at my firm. This opportunity will feed my passion in the audit industry and help us to advance our firm in all technical aspects of our auditing world. I would further like to encourage and mentor other passionate young people in our industry to reach their dreams and goals.

My motivation to pursue a career in auditing was formed at a young age when I started high school where my accounting subject gave me an interest in the life of the accounting industry. I knew at that age that I would like to be in the accounting industry. After I started working my interest in the auditing world became more appealing.

As with everything in our industry, the ADP programme taught me that hard work, keeping to what we are learned in the ISA’s can get you the most satisfying job satisfaction. If you practice what we learn in the ISA’s, your audit work becomes more effective and relevant, and we can give our clients more relevant advice on their systems, to ensure better practices in their business. My ORA supported me by helping me to realise that we should think out of the box, use my technical knowledge and where I’m unsure to do research and go deeper into the ISAs to help me find my answer.

My message to aspiring candidates would be if being an auditor is one of your goals in life never stop to try and reach it, even if it feels like a long journey, it is worth it. This is your career and not a rat race. After fourteen and a half years I reached my dreams, I had as a kid. Nothing in life is too long to get to where you want to be. Use every opportunity and it will make your life worthwhile.


Nadia Botes

Graduation: 21 November 2023
ORA: Tian van der Merwe

I completed my undergraduate degree at the University of Pretoria and completed my CTA at the University of Johannesburg. Outside of auditing I enjoy spending quality time with family and baking.

My future career aspirations are to contribute to the firm's success by taking on increased responsibilities and ultimately achieving the position of audit partner at a medium sized firm with a diverse clientele. I am dedicated to delivering high-quality work, building strong client relationships, and actively participating in the firm's growth and success and would love the opportunity to impart my enthusiasm for this profession to article clerks. I am eager to mentor and guide them, sharing not only the technical aspects of the job but also instilling a genuine appreciation for the work we do. My goal is to inspire them to find fulfilment and joy in their roles, fostering a positive and motivated team environment.

Growing up in a family business environment, I was immersed in a culture that values financial integrity and a commitment to excellence. My family has been a significant source of motivation throughout my professional journey, always encouraging and supporting me. Despite initial challenges, including struggles and a lack of enjoyment in the audit environment during my studies, it was during my articles that I developed a deep appreciation for auditing.

The Audit Development Programme is a good summary of auditing, linking each ISA, from the planning - to the disclosure stage, with a specific competency and ensuring all audit files are completed at the highest quality possible. My ORA and firm supported me from day one and gave me the necessary exposure to complex clients to complete of all my competencies and capabilities.

My message to aspiring candidates is to take a moment to acknowledge and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small. Each milestone is a step forward on your journey to becoming a qualified auditor.

Ruan Van der Walt

Graduation: 21 November 2023
ORA: Adriana Vorster

I completed both my undergraduate degree and CTA at the North-West University (Vaal). After qualifying as a CA(SA) and being in an audit manager position for a year, I knew that auditing was the profession that I wanted to remain in and decided to complete the ADP program to further develop myself professionally and qualify as an RA.

I enjoyed the Audit Development Programme as it exposes you to a lot of competencies which do not always form part of your daily tasks, identifies areas where you can improve and refines and further develops your auditing knowledge and skills. I received immense support from my ORA and the firm through the time that was invested in providing me with guidance and training throughout the program, and they were key in me successfully completing the program.

My message to aspiring candidates is that the ADP program can be challenging at times but if you are 100% committed, the experience on the program will absolutely be worth it in the end.


Danielle Kruger

Graduation: 04 September 2023
ORA: Mark Watson

I completed my Undergraduate degree at Stellenbosch University and my CTA at the University of South Africa (UNISA). Outside of Auditing, I enjoy seeing new places, meeting new people, and trying new things.

My future career aspiration is to join a team of executives, whether public or private, where I can put my knowledge and skills into practice or perhaps start my own firm.

I've always enjoyed auditing and believe in the fundamental principles of ethics and providing quality and meaningful audits and have therefore remained in the Auditing profession after completing my training contract.

My experience on the ADP was that making time to complete the portfolio was challenging at times, however very rewarding and definitely worth it. When completing the ADP, you hold yourself to a higher standard. It improved my technical skills and challenged my thinking, leading to improved quality of audits. I'm very grateful to the ORA and firm for allowing me the opportunity to register for and complete the ADP and for all the time and effort that has gone into reviewing my portfolio.

My message to aspiring candidates is that if it was easy, everyone would do it, but you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Langton Ndlovu

Graduation: 24 July 2023
ORA: Nomathamsanqa Ashom

I completed my undergraduate degree and CTA at the University of Johannesburg. Outside of Auditing and the work environment, I am a husband, and a father to a young boy who keeps me busy. I am passionate about aviation related developments, and enjoy sports and the outdoors.

My aim is to effect some positive change in the aspiring CA’s and RAs through impacting and sharing the knowledge and skills that I have acquired, to enable them to be proficient in their studies and professional career.

I would attribute my motivation to pursue a career and remain in audit to fate, as I did not anticipate studying or remaining in audit, however as the years have gone by, I have realised that I have passion for audit, working with various clients, stakeholders, and audit teams, and adding value to clients, my firm and junior staff.

My experience on the ADP was that the programme overall was quite beneficial as it led me to take note of and focus on some aspects of audit and the ISA standards, that I would not have ordinarily paid major attention to. The programme also forced me to always go back to read and refer to the actual ISA’s, thereby staying up to date with the latest developments and standards. This assisted me in developing my skills of paying attention to detail, asking the right probing questions and improved my critical thinking and focus on quality. My ORA provided key support through providing with her time and the firm through providing exposure to various clients that enabled me to not have any challenges in obtaining all the competencies and access to working with various RAs in the firm who provided added guidance.

My message of motivation to aspiring candidates would be to encourage those in audit to start the programme as early as possible after completion of articles as the programme will fast track your understanding of your role and you will see an improvement in quality of your work. Once you start, it will get easier.

Nkululeko Mbovane

Graduation: 24 July 2023
ORA: Sabelo Songca

 I completed my undergraduate degree at Walter Sisulu University in Mthatha and my postgraduate degree at the University of Fort Hare in East London. Outside of Auditing, my passion is mentoring and coaching young professionals, making exciting memories and sharing special moments with my children, my wife and my friends and practising forgiveness of self and others.

My future career aspiration is to become a Training Officer in an audit firm to train, mentor and develop aspiring CAs and RAs. I also aspire to become a University Lecturing to build a solid foundation for future CAs and RAs. This will also afford me opportunity to further my studies and obtain my Masters and PHD in Auditing.

I would also love to partner with one of the small to medium sized firms, to contribute to the growth and success of the firm. This will also assist me to learn more about running a business and maybe, one day I will see myself having my own firm in the near future to assist the country in creating employment opportunities.

At first my motivation to pursue a career as a CA (SA) and in Auditing was all about money since I have always been told that CAs have money. But, throughout my training contract, I started to love my work and gained a better understanding about the Auditing and Assurance field. The impact that my work has on the lives of ordinary South Africans was another thing that pushed me to become the professional that I am today.

I also like how the profession maintains ethics at a high level and doesn’t compromise on ethics. This has made me enjoy what I do, knowing that any unethical behaviour in this profession has its consequences.

My experience on the ADP was that the programme is a real-life experience programme as it focuses on the day-to-day activities of an auditor. The documentation that you are required to prepare requires you to apply yourself and think out of the box. Getting the necessary exposure to the entire audit process really assists in achieving most of the competencies and capabilities.

Through the programme, I obtained an advanced knowledge about what I do on a day-to-day basis. I am also able to respond to technical queries and issues faced by my team at work and I am now able to provide responses that are technically sound and resolve the grey areas.

My message of motivation to aspiring RCAs is that you do register, and you won’t regret it. If you see yourself growing and staying in the auditing and assurance field, then this is the programme for you. The knowledge you will gain out of this programme will come in handy in what you want to achieve in your career.

For those who have registered on the programme, it is very possible to complete the programme. I managed to complete the programme while I have a very demanding job and less time to spare on the programme. But, because I know what I want to achieve on this programme and I have strong belief in myself, I did all I could to ensure that I complete my report and meet my submission deadlines. I know it is not an easy journey, but complaining will not get the job done. It will rather cause delays in your journey.

Nomzamo Khwela

Graduation: 24 July 2023
ORA: Samuel Mhlongo

 I completed my Undergraduate degree at the University of Kwa-Zulu Natal and then completed my CTA at the University of South Africa (UNISA). Outside of Auditing, my passion is in fashion designing.

My future career aspiration is to open my own firm someday.

I grew up through challenges and I ended up embracing them as an opportunity for growth, that was one of the reasons why I chose Auditing at 1st. I was told that it is a challenging profession. When I joined my employer of choice, I then started loving the profession and the work we do, because it gave me an opportunity where I could influence our public sector towards the right direction when it comes to public administration and building public confidence.

The ADP program gave me an opportunity to reflect on skills that my daily activities expose me to. Through the program I have also enhanced my professional and analytics skills.

My message to aspiring candidates is to note that the is very demanding and the completion of the reports can be a bit frustrating when done at the last hour. My suggestion is to keep track of your competencies when you are developing these and complete your reports regularly to avoid frustrations that come with trying to remember all the competencies you developed, when finalizing the reports.

Shannon Fernandes

Graduation: 24 July 2023
ORA: Brendan Robinson

I embarked on my post-schooling studies at the University of South Africa where I obtained my Bcompt Financial Accounting Degree with distinction and subsequently completed my Post Graduate Diploma in Applied Accounting Sciences.

Outside of auditing, I am a happily married wife and a devoted mother who cherishes my family above all else. My time away from the office is fully dedicated to them. Being family-oriented is at the core of who I am, and my 15-month-old son holds a special place in my heart. I would describe myself as an outgoing and cheerful individual, always eager to explore and experience the beauty that the world has to offer. Travelling is one of my passions and I also love to savour delicious meals. I find joy in shopping and spoiling others.

I am deeply committed to continuous personal growth and development. Recently, I had the honour of being appointed as a director of PKF Pretoria, a position that fills me with enthusiasm and determination. Stagnation is not in my nature as I am a strong advocate of being a lifelong learner, constantly staying abreast of industry trends and maintaining a global perspective.

As I progress in my career, my next milestone is to strive towards becoming a Managing Director, where I can take on greater responsibilities and contribute to the success of the organisation. However, my true passion lies in mentoring and guiding others who aspire to follow a similar path. I want to support and empower individuals, nurturing their potential and helping them achieve their professional goals.

I envision a future where the perception of auditing is changed to not only focus on the financials but also foster strong connections by building meaningful relationships and prioritising the well-being of clients and colleagues. I aspire to bring a more personalised touch to the industry, and I firmly believe that by focusing on people, we can elevate the auditing experience and create a positive impact.

My fascination with the financial industry made becoming a Chartered Accountant an obvious and fulfilling goal. While many individuals may explore various paths, I firmly chose to start and continue my journey in Auditing and further pursue becoming a Registered Auditor. My passion for people drives me forward, making every step of the journey rewarding and fulfilling.

My message to aspiring candidates is that if you have a passion for Auditing and aspire to excel as a Registered Auditor in the industry, the ADP is an excellent opportunity for growth and learning as a stepping stone to your career goals. Embrace the experience and be open to continuous learning. Remember that every challenge you encounter is an opportunity to enhance your skills and become a more competent professional. Stay committed to your goals and with dedication and hard work, you can achieve success in your auditing career. Best of luck on your journey!

Shovir Singh

Graduation: 24 July 2023
ORA: Paul Albert Erasmus

I studied at UNISA and completed both my undergraduate and postgraduate qualification at UNISA. Outside of work, I am involved in social upliftment and non-profit work. I am part of an organisation that’s focused on humanitarian aid and disaster relief. Through my exposure in the finance sector, I was able to contribute constructively to the compliance aspects of the organisation.

I also enjoy mentoring where I have assisted individuals improve their quality of life by sponsoring them academically as well as financially towards a specific outcome.

After successfully completing the ADP, I will be looking at directorship opportunities in auditing and thereafter consider entrepreneurship opportunities that may present themselves. The private equity market has always interested me.

The initial stage of being a CA(SA) presents many opportunities across almost every sector with both local and international opportunities and therefore a great qualification to have.

I completed my articles at a medium sized firm, in which the client base I worked on was SME focused. This provided me with a view on business in the micro and macro economy in which we operate and provided a solid foundation for any roles after my training contract.

In the Auditing profession, I enjoy the networking opportunities as well as the opportunity to work with various businesses at various levels. I do believe auditing contributes positively to the economy and the demand for auditing related services will continue to increase.

My experience on the ADP is that the detailed input required is a positive study of the various regulations that we abide by in our everyday duties. Some of the tasks and competencies directed me to areas of improvement in my professional responsibilities.
As the programme develops, I would like to see it becoming more digitalised. My ORA and firm have been instrumental in completing my articles, CA qualification and now the ADP programme. It helps to have a dynamic and understanding team of auditors supporting your growth.

My message to aspiring candidates is that auditing creates a lot of local and international opportunities and is a great career path. The opportunity to work with various business, network and build a client base does not confine you to a desk. Although the career is chaotic at times, in the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity (Sun-Tzu).

Thabiso Ramokali

Graduation: 24 July 2023
ORA: Samuel Mhlongo

 I completed my Grade 12 (Matric) in 2008 at Letsatsing Science High School in Mahikeng, North West. I then went on to complete my Bachelor’s degree in 2009 at North West University-Mahikeng Campus and then moved to Potchefstroom Campus in 2012 to do my CTA and passed the same year.

Soccer is my life outside auditing and long distance running. I aspire to be one of the best auditors in the world, open my own assurance firm and assist small and medium sized businesses in improving their operational productivity, mitigating risk, and ensuring compliance with applicable legislations and frameworks.

The kind of exposure that I have received during my training contract tenure made me realise that I do have passion for auditing. Being the person that I am, who likes to work in a team and who has strong leadership skills, it made it easier for me to fall in love with auditing and to continue remaining relevant to the profession.

At first the ADP was a bit scary as I was worried that I will not attain all the necessary competencies at the end of the programme. However, during the process I had to align myself to what is needed to attain all necessary competencies. The ADP assisted me to polish up on some of the auditing principles and skills needed by the profession. It also exposed me to and assisted me with presentation skills, especially to external stakeholders such as Audit Committees.

My message to aspiring candidates is that “never stop learning, for when we stop learning, we stop growing.” The road will not be easy as it will be demanding to obtain all competencies, however, it will be worth it at the end of the journey.

Zakhele Nyandeni

Graduation: 24 July 2023
ORA: Vianca Pretorius

I completed my studies at the University of the Witwatersrand. Outside of Auditing I have a passion for football.

I aspire to continue to contribute to the growth of BDO and for BDO Financial Services to be amongst the top assurance providers in the banking industry.

My motivation to pursue a career in Auditing was to provide growth and create more top assurance providers in financial services and to contribute to the continued growth and transformation in the auditing industry.

My experience on the ADP was that it allowed me to develop a broader understanding of my responsibilities as an auditor. The programme further developed my consideration of how to tackle complex auding issues and considerations of the importance of soft skills within an audit.

My message to aspiring candidates is that the ADP is important in your career journey, to reflect on the day-to-day work that you do as an auditor. I would encourage candidates to use the time on the programme to reflect on areas you can improve on and to understand how the requirements of each auditing standard assists you to reach the correct audit conclusions.

Collins Malatji

Graduation: 01 June 2023
ORA: Victor Bakali

 I completed my Undergraduate degree at the University of Limpopo and then completed my CTA at the University of South Africa (UNISA). Outside of Auditing, my passion is in film production, helping people and digital transformation.
I pursued a career in the Auditing profession because there are multiple areas in which one can develop within the auditing environment. It is a platform where one can gather expertise in different areas and sectors and be able to gather information and provide solutions to businesses.

The ADP programme provided a platform to reflect on the knowledge gathered throughout the period in auditing and identify gaps that required intervention. I was eager to complete the program throughout and motivated to keep up the audit standard. The programme enhanced my analytical skills, professional writing skills and the understanding of the role I need to perform in the professional auditing environment.

My message to aspiring candidates is that through the program, you will get to understand the professional and auditing requirements at another level. As a candidate, you get to identify knowledge gaps and what to consider in audit. One gets to enhance their passion for auditing and uplift their professional skills.

Khutso Kgaphola

Graduation: 12 May 2023
ORA: Izak van der Walt

 I completed both my undergraduate degree and CTA at UNISA. Outside audit, I love training and mentoring others and community development.

My aim from the outset has always been to one day become a skilled auditor and open an audit practice that will provide assurance work to clients. Thus, this career path served as the foundation for my lifelong ambition.

The ADP was a good review of the auditing standards and technical aspects in comparison to the day-to-day running of an audit. It also allows you to reflect on your progress in addressing and understanding the various auditing standards and identifying areas for improvement.

My experience with the programme was that I found it challenging in the sense that I needed to align my work responsibilities to the ADP programme. This programme demanded extensive level of discipline to get POE in order and attain all the relevant competencies.

Through the programme I was able to develop skills into the revised auditing standards which assist in my day-to-day operations. There were some of the standards that I was not practically exposed to, the programme enabled me to fully understand all the standards relevant to the audit.

My message to aspiring candidates is that this is a wonderful opportunity to take responsibility to gain a deeper understanding of the complete audit process from beginning to end, and of the auditing standards. The programme also provides an opportunity to gain additional professional business skills as you take on more responsibilities. Just join the programme and I promise you will not regret it. “It always seems impossible until it’s done”.

Kyle Watson

Graduation: 12 May 2023
ORA: Kurt Holdstock

 I studied through UNISA part time while working full time, completing both my degree and postgraduate diploma through UNISA. Outside of auditing, I am passionate about my family and raising my children right. My career aspiration is to open my own audit firm and give other people the opportunities that I was afforded to pursue a career in this field.

Starting out, the idea of a stable income drew me to the accounting/auditing field. When the opportunity arose for me to work for an audit firm and work to pay for my studies, I took it with both hands. The further I progressed in my studies and career, the more I valued the need for auditing in the business environment, to be a custodian of integrity and ethics. This motivated me to pursue this career path.

The ADP program helped me to find and correct short comings in my audit files and audit procedures.

My message to aspiring candidates is that journey may be long and tough, but the difference you will make far outweighs any difficulties faced on the way. Keep on keeping on.

Johan Van der Walt

Graduation: 31 March 2023
ORA: Pietman van der Walt

 I completed my undergraduate degree at North-West University (Pukke) and my Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting Science at UNISA. Outside of Auditing, I enjoy exercising mostly jogging and trail runs with my wife. Looking ahead I aspire to become a director in a firm or open my own firm. No matter what the future holds I want to keep developing and broadening my horizons.

During my articles and in my personal life I had the privilege to frequently be involved in discussions with an experienced and seasoned director. His insights, knowledge and guidance not only on the profession but on life provided me with a lot of motivation to remain in the profession past articles, but also to pursue the profession even further to ultimately register as a registered auditor.

Having studied and gone through articles for a short period of 8 years I did not think that another 18-month program was for me. After completion of the program, I believe the ADP program is necessary and adds a lot of value to you as an individual if you engage with the program. The program facilitates a comprehensive engagement with the auditing standards, specifically on the technical aspects that are not necessarily part of a standard audit or running thereof. The program helps to broaden and solidify your understanding and interpretation of various auditing standards and the implementation thereof, it also helps to identify improvement or focus areas. The skills you develop during the program are not only valuable, but they are also necessary.

The most important resource that my ORA and firm provided me with was their time, to answer countless questions and to provide guidance to assist me in gaining the necessary exposure and competency.

My message to aspiring candidates is to not wait until you feel you are ready because that day might never come, you have to view the program as part of your development and not as a final test. Engage with the program, it can either be an administrative burden or a great learning and development opportunity. You have control over the value it provides.


Reinette De Beer

Graduation: 31 March 2023
ORA: Leon van der Merwe

I started working at my current firm straight out of High School at the age of 18. I studied part time through UNISA and qualified as a CA(SA) seven years later.

For the past six years, I have been gathering my audit hours and I am very relieved to have finally achieved my goal set at the beginning of this journey. My future career aspiration is to expand our firm and to supply guidance to our team as best as I can; learn from those before me and pass on to those behind me.

My family is my number one priority and I love spending time with them. I am grateful for the way that this career path has assisted me to add value to their lives – whether it is contributing together with my husband or setting an example for my two beautiful girls. I also love reading and exploring innovative ways to improve the management and systems of our firm. I always ask myself if whether what we do and how we do it, is the most efficient, value-adding way there is and if not, we need to reconsider!

My motivation to pursue a career in auditing was inspired by my sister who once told me that I would love this profession as soon as I am exposed to it, and she was spot on. It fits my personality perfectly and I have loved my job from day one. I plan to remain in the profession for as long as I am blessed to make a difference in many entrepreneurs’ businesses and being part of their journeys.

The ADP was much harder than I initially realised. It demands great discipline, organisational skills and self-reflection and being able to put all of the above into words. The ADP definitely enhanced my discipline and self-reflection skills – it forces you to be honest about yourself and your shortcomings, but at the same time motivates you to overcome that so that you can be the best version of yourself to yourself and others.

My message to aspiring candidates is that I would encourage other candidates to be indifferent to the ADP. It takes much more time, effort, discipline and tears to get it done than you might think. It is a vigorous process, but definitely worth it in the end.

Juwaid Irfaan Mohamed

Graduation: 07 March 2023
ORA: Suren Naidoo

I studied at the University of the Witwatersrand (‘WITS’) where I completed my undergraduate degree and my post-graduate qualification in Accounting Science. Outside of auditing, I love to challenge myself, whether it is travelling to new places to explore, or cooking a complex dish, the experience of trying something different is what drives me.

I am appreciative of the exposure that I received during my training contract, which made me realise that I do have something to contribute. I hope to continue to make an impact on the profession. I have a strong understanding of auditing principles and I want to continue to build on my knowledge of audit & accounting. Being in the audit profession is a fast-paced environment and there is always something new to learn. What energises me is teaching junior staff and serving clients the best way I can. Furthermore, auditors are at the forefront of current affairs and this impacts our work directly. Being an auditor is a commitment to lifelong learning and I love the fact that it gives us an opportunity to always be challenged.

My experience on the Audit Development Programme further enhanced my skills of learning principles and applying my knowledge to a situation. Furthermore, it provided me with a platform to solidify my audit technical abilities and assist the firm in increasing the quality on our audit files.

My message to aspiring candidates is to note that the program is demanding, and my suggestion is to take it 1 competency at a time. Develop a daily or weekly routine where you dedicate uninterrupted time to document your evidence in your PoE.

Goodluck to all those who are embarking on this journey!

Rikus Van der Merwe

Graduation: 07 March 2023
ORA: Saffiyah Bootha

I studied at the University of Pretoria. Outside audit, my passions are people, sports, collecting novelties and learning about new things.

My career aspirations are to continue pursuing a role where I can contribute and help build towards a positive South Africa #StrongerTogether.

My motivation to remain in the Auditing profession was that I do not just want to work a job, I want to work a job with impact. I believe the auditing profession is key in protecting stakeholders and contributing to good governance in our local businesses.

My message to aspiring RCAs is that the program is a great stepping stone to further develop yourself, learn about the profession and embrace the responsibility we all share to contribute to the business environment as leaders.

Simone Cardoso

Graduation: 02 December 2022
ORA: Shaun Nurick

 I completed my undergraduate degree in the Bachelor of Accounting Sciences at the University of Witwatersrand and my Post Graduate Diploma (CTA) at the University of South Africa (UNISA). Outside of Auditing, I enjoy hiking, travelling, spending quality time with my family, meeting new people, trying out new activities and things (I’d say that I am very adventurous), staying active and I love dancing. My career aspiration is to remain in audit as, for some reason unbeknown to humanity, I LOVE auditing! – I aspire to assume a role as an Audit Technical and Quality Partner.

I would attribute my decision to remain in the profession to the passion which I hold over auditing, in particular the technical intricacies of auditing and the ability thereon to transfer this knowledge to others.

My experience on the programme was that it was extremely taxing, however, it was ultimately stimulating in the greater picture. I learnt a lot and enjoyed the challenges faced including meeting milestones. I found it quite gratifying being able to achieve each competency and the firm and my role within the firm, as a Senior Audit Technical Manager, provided me the opportunity to practically meet my competencies.

I am fortunate to be in an Audit Technical support role within my organisation and wish to stay in a similar role in the future. I put in the utmost effort to utilise this program to better inform myself of the technical areas which, within a general external audit role, I would not have been exposed to. In my role however, I have been able to apply the skills learnt within my designated responsibilities and tasks and further, I was able to transfer this knowledge to not only more junior staff, but to all levels of management within my firm.

My message to aspiring RCAs is that I believe that what you put in is directly proportional to what you get out. If you are simply going to complete the program for the sake of becoming eligible to register as an RA, you would be doing a discredit to the program and ultimately will most likely not be equipped with the relevant knowledge to comfortably climb the ladder within the profession and in particular, the transitional period into a partnership role will likely seem more daunting.

Dorcas Nhlapo

Graduation: 10 November 2022
ORA: Thomas Geza

I completed my undergraduate degree and post graduate honors degree at the University of Johannesburg. Outside of Auditing I’m a mom to a super saiyan and wife to a super-hero, I love spending time with family and travelling to different countries, provinces and cities.

As our family saying goes, “We aspire to inspire before we expire.” And that is to help groom one CA at a time. This is the reason why I’ve stayed in auditing this long, from the days I walked into the big four firms, my aspiration was to become partner and to this day that has not changed.

My experience on the ADP programme was that of reflection, on all of the experience I’d accumulated over the years and the areas where I’d consciously made a decision to be independent, ethical and to deliver quality services, not only to the clients that I serve, but also to the people that I led and those that lead me. I always ensure that I give of my best and am the first point of call for any technical matters. Putting together the evidence required for the Portfolio of Evidence (POE) was effortless, with the relentless support I received from both my current and previous firm and my ORA. I’m truly grateful for this opportunity to add two more letters to my designation.

My message of motivation to aspiring candidates, is that the road less travelled is often most rewarding, no sacrifice goes unnoticed, and you will indeed reap the rewards of your hard work. From here on after, the sky is the limit, so fly high.

Ishmael Phoffu

Graduation: 30 September 2022
ORA: Nhlanhla Sigasa

I completed my undergraduate degree at Wits and my CTA at UNISA. Outside of Auditing, I love writing about different topics that interest me and I intend to start a book and possibly a podcast in the near future.

My aim from the outset has always been to one day become a skilled auditor and businessman. Thus, this career path served as the foundation for my lifelong ambition.

My experience on the ADP was that I found it extremely challenging, in the sense that it demanded extensive levels of discipline and organisation to get the POE in order and ensure relevant experience is identified and captured at the right time while juggling the high demands of my job. However, I had the goal in sight which kept me motivated, and in the end the feeling of attaining this feels worth it all. The programme immensely improved my organisational skills, writing skills and attention to detail as well as my ability to link events to outcomes.

My message to aspiring candidates is that I would encourage all those passionate about auditing and entrepreneurship to ensure they elevate their skills and knowledge in the profession by taking on this programme and what it has to offer. At the end of the process, I guarantee satisfaction in terms of attaining elevated and holistic development at both professional and personal levels. It is worth all the effort and sacrifice.

Ashton Kruger

Graduation: 01 August 2022
ORA: Eben Bekker

I studied at the University of the Free State. My interests outside of work mainly relate to spending time with my husband and family. My hobbies include long distance running, scrap booking, religious activities and baking.
In my current role, I work with many audit partners of the firm. I also enjoy teaching and have a passion for training people and work is such a position within the firm. I have a wide variety of responsibilities, and this helps to broaden my knowledge of other areas in addition to Auditing.

I was inspired by my father to pursue an auditing career. Since I was a small child, he always said that he saw me in this career, as I am a diligent, conscientious individual with a clear eye for detail. In high school, I developed a love for accounting which further highlighted this as a career for me. My passion for this career grew throughout my education years.

As I entered into the profession, I continued to grow, and the profession fitted well with my personal personality and skill set. I am focused and committed to my own development, and I value opportunities to connect with those around me. I have a very high moral and ethical standard and carrying out my work with quality and due care is a priority. I am not afraid to take initiative and I enjoy overcoming challenges placed before me. I strive to be reliable, and I am hard working with a positive attitude. I have a soft, compassionate personality, while at the same time knowing when to stand my ground, I have a willingness to learn and a desire to achieve my goals. The auditing profession therefore allows me to live out my traits and passion.

The ADP programme was an amazing opportunity in which I grew and broadened my knowledge on the ISA’s as well as the whole audit process. The ADP Program brought the audit process that we carry out on each audit and connected it perfectly with the ISA’s. The ADP programme was like building a puzzle, and once all the pieces were put together (the ADP Programme) the whole picture of an audit and how each process from the planning, execution, and finalisation phase and how they connected suddenly became so much clearer. A light bulb inside of me just exploded and my passion for auditing expanded as everything just started making sense. The biggest lesson that I have learnt on the program is that one can never stop learning. The auditing and accounting profession entails such a wide variety of sectors, industries, rules, standards, requirements and the list goes on and on. Every single day, I learnt something new, whether it being technical, administrative, professional, or even personal.

My message to aspiring candidates is to take a leap of faith and just do it! Remember to be a success takes hard work, you need to be aware of what you are looking for and then finding opportunities and developing in that role. This programme will help you achieve this and so much more. Be the best you that you can be on a personal and professional level and never cease to take an opportunity that comes to you.

Paddington Muskwe

Graduation: 01 August 2022
ORA: 8Anton Lewis

I completed my undergraduate degree and my CTA at UNISA. I also have a BSc Honours in Applied Accounting from Oxford Brookes University and I am a qualified accountant with the ACCA. Outside of Auditing I enjoy systems and process development. I also love training and mentoring others, and on a social basis I like sport. I aspire to establish and grow an audit practice to the point where it can be recognised as a medium sized firm.

After completing my articles, I thought I knew all that I needed to know about auditing, only to discover a whole new world of auditing through the ADP. One thing that I learnt, is that experience has no substitute.

Through the programme, my analytical skills where enhanced along with my communication skills and my ability to co-ordinate between the client, audit partner and my teams.

My message to aspiring candidates is to be strong in your resolve. Nothing in this world is easy, it is going to be tough, but there is joy at the end of the tunnel.

Carla Van Coller

Graduation: 05 July 2022
ORA: Ananda Blignaut-de Waal

I studied at the University of Johannesburg where I obtained my BCom Accounting Degree. I then obtained my Post Graduate Diploma in Applied Accounting Sciences studied at UNISA. My passion is to make a difference in the lives of others.

I was motivated to stay in the Auditing profession as I enjoy the challenges that each audit engagement brings, being able to provide clients with good client services and working with trainees to develop them in successful professionals.

My experience on the ADP programme was positive, as it assisted in my professional development and assisted me in delivering audit files to our firm's partners of a high quality. The skills I developed that are valuable to me in my current role and expected future roles, is the ability to empower trainees, in developing their professional and technical skills.

My message to aspiring candidates is that anything is possible if you put your mind to it and one should never give up on your dreams. The ADP programme is very time consuming but if you continuously update your portfolio of evidence, it makes the process easier and it's definitely worth it in the end. The scripture I live by "I can do all things through Him who strengthens and empowers me." Philippians 4:13

Hendrik Smit

Graduation: 05 July 2022
ORA: Taruna Naidoo

I completed my degree at the University of Pretoria. Outside of Auditing I enjoy spending time with my family and being outdoors.

A small number of people really know what they want to do for the rest of their lives at that young age, but most know they do not want to stay in audit. This was not the case for me and so I remained in audit to obtain more experience and see what types of engagements and clients I like most. I realised that being able to provide assurance to users of financial statements can be rewarding. The impact and importance thereof are easily overlooked, and that is exactly where I want to contribute.

The additional experience obtained after articles and being on the programme is something money can't buy and was invaluable to me.

When studying, you focus a lot on the theory of the ISAs. When you start auditing in practice it becomes part of you, a second nature. During the programme I was able to reconcile the theory and technical aspects with the practice and that added irreplaceable value to my personal development.

My message to aspiring candidates is that the process might seem overwhelming at first, as many worthwhile things tend to be, but it is important to remember your goal and just get started! Engagement by engagement and week by week, you will have it done before you know it.


Jannie Van Zyl

Graduation: 31 May 2022
ORA: Melissa Fouche

I completed my BCom Chartered Accountancy degree at North-West University (Pukke) and completed my Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting Science (CTA 2) at Unisa. Outside of Auditing, I enjoy gardening and raising my baby boy.

My experience on the ADP was that it was a great challenge that refined my auditing skills. My ORA provided relevant review notes on my Portfolio of Evidence that helped me to submit a high-quality portfolio.

My message to aspiring candidates is to set your eye on the goal and make sure that you do not back down for any obstacle. It will be worth it in the end.

Ramanth Gangaparsad

Graduation: 31 May 2022
ORA: Tania Marti-Warren

I completed my undergraduate degree at the University of Kwa Zulu Natal and my post graduate diploma at UNISA. My passion outside of Auditing is cars, cars, and more cars.

A family member, a partner from a big four audit firm, once told me that becoming an audit partner is the “ultimate business profession to pursue.” This was about 15 years ago, when I was in high school and I did not really understand what an auditor was.

After completing my training contract, I began to appreciate the work of an auditor and the great impact it has on protecting the interests of stakeholders.In working as an audit supervisor/manager level at an auditing firm, I gained invaluable experience that was largely as a result of the support from an audit partner who valued my passion for business and client relations. By allowing me to explore my capabilities, and push the boundaries, I began to enjoy working in the field of auditing, and really started to understand and appreciate the bigger picture of being an auditor.

The ADP has been a great learning experience as it allowed me to take an inward look at what skills and competencies I had been exposed to, and what required further development. The programme has provided me with the skillset needed to be confident in dealing with clients, and to know that I am on the right path to becoming an audit partner. The programme has also exposed me to soft skills that are fundamental to being in a managerial role.

It is imperative to have a support structure both within your firm and personal surrounds as there is an investment of time required to complete the reports. I am extremely appreciative of my wife, parents and audit partners that supported me through this journey.

My message to aspiring candidates is that should you feel that you want to be part of something greater, a profession that serves and protects the interest of the public, then register and be the change that you want to see in the world.

Verusha Moodley

Graduation: 31 May 2022
ORA: Toni Cianfanelli

I completed my degree and post-graduate diploma through UNISA. Outside of Auditing, I enjoy learning new skills that allow me to tap into my creativity. I’ve recently spent some time doing short courses in interior design. My future career aspiration is to be part of an executive team that allows me to merge my technical ability and skill, with my love of developing and mentoring people.

Throughout my training contract, I was fortunate enough to be surrounded by professionals who had a deep passion for the auditing profession, and who gladly shared their insight and knowledge frequently. Thus began my own love for the profession, and when the opportunity to step into a managerial role presented itself, I felt it would be a great base upon which to grow my own knowledge and skill.

I found the program to be an excellent way to become familiar with the ISAs in a way that I previously hadn't been. The professional skills I developed and cultivated during the program are ones that will continue to benefit me regardless of my role, now and in the future. My ORA was an integral part of the process, and the guidance and support I received from the firm made the process easy and worthwhile.

My message to aspiring candidates is to "Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other" - Abraham Lincoln


Johan Carstens

Graduation: 13 April 2022
ORA: Wentzel Strydom

I completed my degree at North-West University (Pukke). Outside of Auditing, I enjoy endurance sports (cycling and running) as well as fishing and hunting. I was appointed as a partner at my firm and wish to extend my firms client portfolio.

The ADP programme is necessary, as one does not walk out of articles ready to sign off on financial statements. You need some time and experience at a higher level to gain the confidence needed to sign off on financial statements. It was however difficult for me to capture all my experience to demonstrate to a reviewer that I would be competent to sign off on audits.

I have been out of articles for 5 years and the program helped me to gain the knowledge and confidence to know that I can perform audits on my own and that I did get the necessary training and experience needed.

My firm and ORA were crucial in my success. Following my firm’s ADP monitoring visit, the positive outcome was a sign to me that we are doing things correctly and that I was receiving the best training in the correct environment.

My message to aspiring candidates is to go for it and keep going till you finish. The rewards will exceed your expectations.

Grethe Lochner

Graduation: 13 December 2021
ORA: Marius Strydom

 I completed my degree at Stellenbosch University. Outside of Auditing, I love music and all things arts and culture. I love supporting our creative industry and going to watch musicals and shows. I also like to do a trail run now and then. I have experience outside of auditing but returned to the profession as it was more rewarding for me. My career aspirations are to start my own firm delivering audit services to small and medium sized businesses.

The ADP was a good review of the auditing standards and technical aspects in comparison to the day-to-day running of an audit. It also allows you to reflect on your progress in addressing and understanding the various auditing standards and identifying areas for improvement.

The programme expects you to be able to do the audit from start to finish, especially all processes involved when accepting a new client. You gain a lot of confidence in the auditing process by only consulting on more complex matters and taking responsibility for all aspects. The importance of developing soft skills and building client trust was also something that was highlighted during the programme.

My message to aspiring candidates is that this is a wonderful opportunity to take responsibility to gain a deeper understanding of the complete audit process from beginning to end, and of the auditing standards, as well as to gain additional professional business skills as you take on more responsibilities. There are so many opportunities that can come from completing this programme. Don't sell yourself short.

Kelly Vermaak

Graduation: 03 December 2021
ORA: Gareth William Cinnamond

 I feel as auditors we are responsible for fair reporting and a lot of reliance is placed on us to provide this service. I enjoy auditing as I get to understand and provide value added to a vast amount of industries. I think post articles you start seeing the different sections/elements of an audit in a holistic way to be able to report and provide the value and opinion. There is a constant challenge as every industry comes with their own potential risks and way of doing things.

I enjoyed the mentoring process and continuous feedback from both ADP programme leaders as well as my audit partner who was my ORA. Key skills that I developed on the programme included managing a team and being able to understand all elements of an engagement before signing off.

Tarisai Takariwa

Graduation: 03 December 2021
ORA: Don Luthando Saunders

I think I chose audit and audit chose me. I believe it is the best job in the world, you get to learn about many organisations, travel, meet and work with different people and truly help bring about positive change. My daily responsibilities as an RA ensures that organisations and personnel are held accountable. I remained in the profession beyond completion of my training contract as I have a passion for developing aspiring CAs and RAs and assisting them realise their dreams.

The Audit Development Programme is an enabler! The programme helped me stretch beyond my comfort zone and developed me into a space where I feel very confident, well prepared and fully equipped to discharge my responsibilities as a Registered Auditor in any environment. The programme has positioned me to excel and I am now well-oiled and fully prepared to add value to various stakeholders.

I have learned critical competences including leading high performing audit teams.

My message to anybody considering registering on the ADP is that the ADP is an essential programme for any aspiring RA. It prepares and equips you with everything you need to be that rare breed of an auditor in any environment. The skills and competences gained through the programme become the roots that one requires in this dynamic audit environment. The gains from the course are immense!

Gideon Kemp

Graduation: 21 September 2021
ORA: Christa Swart

When I finished matric I wasn't certain about what degree I should apply for at University. My father did not have the opportunity to attend University but told me that he would have liked to study accounting/auditing. This together with the availability of jobs for chartered accountants made me pursue an auditing career. Once I finished my trainee contract at ASL Incorporated I realised that I valued what the firm stood for and the opportunity presented itself for advancement, which I took and have not looked back since.

The program has its challenges in the sense that it is quite a lot of paperwork which does feel cumbersome at instances. However other parts of the program made me reflect on how much I have learnt prior to the program as well as during the program and made me appreciate the field more.

I would not describe the program as fun and in saying that I understand that it is easy to become negative during the program. However now having completed the program I have added to the value I can bring to a firm as well as the likelihood of my future aspirations being a success. The RA designation is something that takes a lot of time and perseverance to achieve and is a point of distinguishment in today's competitive professional environment.

Carine Jordaan

Graduation: 08 September 2021
ORA: Pieter Schalk Barnard

Along with the broad technical skills gained, I also developed managerial skills and increased my professional sceptism during the programme. This is immensely valuable for the roles in the future where I will be faced with making decisions that require professional judgement and assessing potentially difficult situations.

My message to other candidates that are considering registering on the programme is that the ADP programme is a valuable journey to embark on, as it facilitates the development of broader technical knowledge of the candidate and soft skills required in various situations. I would highly recommend it for any individual who is considering a longer journey within the auditing profession.

Peter Serite

Graduation: 24 August 2021
ORA: Adele West

The support received from the firm was continuous two-way feedback and a real investment of time, effort and resources to upskill and mentor me. I really appreciate my ORA and the support of the firm.

The ADP programme is a Game-Changer. It really unpacks and defines the heart of public practice. It’s a specialist programme- Invest the time and allow the process to refine your understanding of the practice. Enjoy the journey and make the most of the programme!


Sindisiwe Zama

Graduation: 24 August 2021
ORA: Donny Mampa

To fulfil the dream of being a CA(SA), taking the audit route was an obvious choice. However, having the privilege of training at AGSA, I realised that this was not just auditing for the sake of issuing reports, but through auditing you’re actually contributing in making a change in the livelihoods of South African citizens, by promoting accountability through auditing those responsible for service delivery.

Making a difference in people’s lives is something close to my heart no matter how small it is. This is the reason I find myself in the organisation even after my articles.

The programme took longer than expected however, I appreciated the experience as it allowed to better understand the programme, my role and assess gaps and improve on them.

Tshepang Mathebula

Graduation: 24 August 2021
ORA: Louis Quintal

I loved my experience with the programme, it got me to sit back and look at how I have been auditing and get to tweak it up. It was an amazing experience as I was doing it at the same time as a fellow colleague. We got to discuss some aspects of an audit file that we otherwise would not have. The key skill that I developed on the programme was the focus on quality, quality and quality. I also developed the skills to prepare concise documentation and maintain consistency in the fieldwork based on the audit plan.

My message to other candidates who are considering registering on the programme is that the programme will definitely help you to develop in depth knowledge of the ISAs and that is crucial for RAs.

Wessel Wessels

Graduation: 24 August 2021
ORA: Dennis Soldat

 I absolutely hated auditing during my university career, during my interview at the firm where I did my articles I was clear that I have no intention to stay in auditing. 6 months later… I was singing a different tune…Auditing in theory vs auditing in the real world were very different and I immediately loved it. I indicated to my firm that I would like to become and Registered Auditor and director in the future. After articles the decision was simple and I immediately enrolled for the ADP. The ADP was no joke, but worth the 18 months for sure. Becoming a Registered Auditor was my drive and kept me motivated during this period.

Be positive, enthusiastic and an optimist during your APD. Commit 110% from the start and always have your eyes on the end goal. Being a Registered Auditor is not a decision it’s a lifestyle, live it from day one.

Jamie Schlebusch

Graduation: 08 July 2021
ORA: Shaun Nurick

I went into this career blindly not knowing where it would lead to. The knowledge and experience I gained throughout my articles intrigued and motivated me to continue as my passion for mentoring, coaching and auditing started creeping through and I wanted to explore this further.

When I registered for the ADP, I was fortunate to know at this stage that this was exactly what I wanted to do. If you decide to register you need to be committed a 100% and give it your all. It’s worth it!

Karishma Nundkissore

Graduation: 08 July 2021
ORA: Tania-Marti Warren

I was introduced to the concept of being an RA by my Father who is a CA(SA), RA. He taught me that being an Auditor is a position of great honor as you are, in essence, offering your trust as a service to the general public. Having a person rely on your trust is a very privileged position to be in, and a great responsibility.

To those who have registered on the programme, congratulations! You have chosen an honorable profession to become a part of. It can seem overwhelming at times, but it is important to take it one day and one engagement at a time. To those who are undecided on registering, I say that being an Auditor at a professional level is rewarding as it allows one to show not only your technical ability but also your ability to adapt and overcome. The wait is worth the reward.

Monique Kokal

Graduation: 08 July 2021
ORA: Anthonie Michael Fourie

The program is based on the current ISA’s and while working through them I obtained a different perspective on how to apply these standards which is assisting me in better performing my duties as an audit manager. If you have a passion for Auditing like I do, then I would suggest you apply for the program.

Babalwa Gova

Graduation: 18 May 2021
ORA: Kopano Xaba

Being part of the program has been a very meaningful experience for me as I was able to understand auditing at a specialized level and was exposed to areas of audit that I was not aware of or exposed to during my articles. It has really deepened my understanding and interpretation of auditing standards as well as my application of the standards and the ISQC1 in my audits.

The Learning and development executive at my firm and ORA monitored by progress on a monthly basis and ensured that every month I am assigned to engagements that will expose me to the competences I have not covered in my POE, this ensured I received all the necessary exposure to complete my POE.

The program allows you to sharpen your auditing skills and deepen your knowledge of the standards. I would encourage everyone who wants to specialize in auditing to go through the program. The knowledge and growth one experience during the 18 months period is worth it.

Musa Mashaba

Graduation: 18 May 2021
ORA: Ashleigh Knowles

Auditing has more prospects for growth, and I see myself becoming an Audit partner. The programme was good, and it assisted me to put together my technical knowledge of auditing where possible. 

Portia Singo

Graduation: 31 March 2021
ORA: Nomathamsanqa Ashom

I developed a love for accounting and numbers when I was in grade 9. One day during a career guidance in grade 10 someone came and spoke of a career of a Chartered Accountant; I knew then that it was what I wanted to study when I go to varsity. When I was at first year of varsity I learnt more about the career, the fact that I had choices of different careers within the profession. I developed a passion for auditing when I was completing articles. The reason I stayed in the profession after completing articles was that I knew that I could contribute more to the success of the firm and make a difference to my clients through my work and advise.

My Portfolio of Evidence was a success because my ORA dedicated her time in reviewing my reports. Her guidance and mentoring made my ADP a success. The firm assisted me by providing work which enabled be in achieving the competences on the programme. All the clients I was assigned to caused me to learn.

Jan-Pierre Botes

Graduation: 01 March 2021
ORA: Candice Ann Whitefield

The ADP gives you a chance to reflect on the work you are doing and gives you the opportunity to evaluate what you don’t know yet. It made me stop and realise that I need to refresh my knowledge on certain ISAs and what is required to be documented in various cases.

Referring back to previous client files and identifying areas of improvement was a valuable skill that I developed on the programme as well as critical thinking, time management, improving my attention to detail and staying up to date with the latest developments and standards.

Kirtanya Sahadeo

Graduation: 01 March 2021
ORA: Toni Cianfanelli


Becoming an audit manager, the exposure presented to me by my firm allowed me the opportunity to perpetually become part of a solution. The opportunities to continuously add value to both clients as well as my team members within the firm left me hungry to expand my knowledge and vision of my career goals. Whilst I enjoyed being a part of enriching businesses from the outside, I wanted to be a part of a business I was able to grow from the inside, which led to my enthusiasm to complete my ADP and become an RA.


Some of the competencies I developed on the ADP were not part of my day to day job- The ADP allowed me to develop these competencies at my firm.

“There is no passion to be found playing small – in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living” Nelson Mandela


Omphemetse Setebe

Graduation: 01 March 2021
ORA: Sibongile Manzi

I saw myself in the female audit partners and that drove me to work my way up the corporate ladder to ensure that I too have the power to positively influence the corporate world, both private and public sector to apply good corporate governance.

I found the programme to be very detailed and encouraging of a comprehensive understanding of the entire audit process. The programme gave me an opportunity to get exposure to other areas on the audit process which I had not previously been exposed to. My ORA was very supportive and worked with my direct line manager who is also an RA in ensuring I have exposure on all competencies. I would advise CA (SA)’s within the audit profession to enrol for this program to sharpen their auditing skills and qualify as RA’s.

Shephard Mack

Graduation: 01 March 2021
ORA: Ben Frey

Being in audit as a manager or senior manager exposes you to a different perspective of audit and responsibilities. The level of interaction with clients is not the same compared to when one is still a trainee, which has a significant impact on one’s professional growth.

It certainly did not feel like an added time to reach the goal of becoming an RA. Based on the knowledge and experience I have gained after completing my articles, I was definitely not ready to be eligible to register as an RA. The Audit Development Programme (ADP) helped me to develop myself and to prove to myself that I am ready and I can be an RA. The documentation of the portfolio of evidence does require effort and time, but the evidence are the events that one experiences in the normal course of audit, from audit planning to completion.

Nicole Channon

Graduation: 30 October 2020
ORA: Eugene Samuel George Birch

During my training contract, I was mostly involved in the audit department within the firm. I went on to becoming an audit manager where the role required a good understanding of taxation, management accounting, accounting, and even general office management. The ADP requires the same skillset and therefore the ADP and my position in the audit firm had a symbiotic relationship.

The ADP takes time, and one needs to be disciplined and remain motivated. My advice is to find an ORA who will work with you to assist you in producing a fantastic portfolio of evidence. Take pride in your portfolio and view the ADP as a chance to upskill yourself. It is all worth it when you receive the Registered Auditor title!

Anesu Sunhwa

Graduation: 27 May 2020
ORA: Gary Klinkradt

The programme instilled in me a wide range of skillsets and gave me the confidence to handle client relations, develop management skills and handle meetings with customers. Once you have completed your articles, the additional 18 months on the ADP are nothing. Considering how busy you will be during this programme, as you begin to assume more responsibilities and see yourself grow, you will definitely love it and see its worth.


Lisa Venter

Graduation: 30 March 2020
ORA: Ebrahim Dhorat

I enjoyed the programme as it marked milestones in developing management level experience in complex audit areas for me. I did not view this as added time, but a quality measure to ensure that I obtain deeper technical experience and become more confident with higher risk audit work. It also provides an opportunity to set yourself apart, by having completed the programme and having met the criteria for RA registration.

The ADP is a programme focussed on developing quality audit managers and partners in South Africa, and building the audit profession as a whole. Completing this programme is something that you do for yourself, the firm you work at, and future firms you will work at, as well as the industry as a whole. Do not give up once you have started, even when work pressure is getting to you – it is worth it!

Yulesen Gounden

Graduation: 30 March 2020
ORA: Ebrahim Dhorat


The biggest skill for me was getting back to my roots in terms of audit 101 and understanding where the relevant procedures fitted in the puzzle of a complete audit.

The program is beneficial in the sense that it drives us to hone in on the skills required to be an RA. It highlights where we need to invest time in ourselves and in our professional development.


Bernard Nel

Graduation: 20 February 2020
ORA: Dirk Johan Coetzee Koegeleberg

After qualifying as a CA (SA), I was hesitant and confused about why I needed to complete an additional two years as audit manager, and the ADP program in order to register as an RA. To my surprise the two years of being an audit manager was the experience overload I needed together with the Audit Development Programme to enable me to provide assurance services in an efficient and effective manner. 

Reinhard Sieberhagen

Graduation: 17 July 2019
ORA: Christa Swart

I decided to complete the ADP programme as I saw an opportunity of furthering my professional development and positioning myself with a qualification that I deem to be at the pinnacle of the accounting profession and serves as an opportunity to become one in a minority.

It is not always easy, and I encountered quite a few obstacles on road to completion of the programme, but I firmly believe that things that are worthwhile are not always easy to achieve. 

Ruan Venter

Graduation: 31 May 2019
ORA: Alleta Annelize Taylor

I have a ‘tinker’ personality, meaning I enjoy puzzles and challenges and find no greater satisfaction in finding a solution or building almost everlasting systems. In an auditing practice you deal with queries and challenges almost on a daily basis; whereas I might have been limited in this regard in commerce. The programme showed me my strengths and weaknesses, and afforded me an opportunity to improve on my weaknesses and grow into a better and more well-rounded CA and future RA. 

Tshililo Tshithavhani

Graduation: 31 May 2019
ORA: Victor Bamu Bakali

The programme helped me develop and polish a lot in terms of technical skill areas within auditing. The approach focused on covering all significant audit requirements (International Standards on Auditing). It therefore gave me a holistic view of an audit as well as all of the technical aspects to consider on different types of audit engagements.

The way the programme is structured it is such that one is able to identify their knowledge gaps. I urge all candidates to use that opportunity to learn and sharpen their audit skills.

Alida Smit

Graduation: 15 November 2018
ORA: Jana Duvenage

At the time I finished my articles I was not yet sure what I wanted to do or where I should go. I decided that I am going to do the ADP and qualify as an RA as that was my ultimate goal when I started studying - that would also keep the different career options open. Also, in my view, the title “RA” is one that people look up to and it creates trust. I found the programme and its structure very good as it teaches you the responsibility of what it would mean when you have to sign the audit opinion one day. To compile the Portfolio of Evidence is hard work, but if you document everything after each audit the time constraint is manageable.

I am very happy with my work and the office environment and I would like to stay in the company. I would like to someday become a director/partner with my current firm. In the meantime, I want to help build our firm to be the best in our area, to gain knowledge in other accounting services and be able to help the firm extend into those services.

Altea Blignaut

Graduation: 29 October 2018
ORA: Michiel Kruger

If you want to remain within the auditing profession, the additional time in relation to the programme should not be seen as a reason to not participate on the ADP. The support of my firm, and especially my ORA, was outstanding in not only helping me to be an auditor but to be an exceptional individual within the field.

I applied for RA registration the day after I received my final sign-off letter for the ADP.

Proffessor Nomaqhawe Mafela

Graduation: 29 October 2018
ORA: Pieter Steyn

Ever since my first year as a junior trainee, auditing has been my passion. For me, auditors play an integral role in the well-being of businesses as well as the economy as a whole.

As auditors, we assist the receiver of revenue, the society and other stakeholders to uphold their purpose. To be a part of this gives me a sense of being a part of something greater than myself.

The thrill of working in the fast-paced audit environment as well as the opportunities to work on a diverse range of clients and with colleagues from different walks of life are two of the many reasons that have made me not leaving auditing.

Apart from this, training and assisting future CAs to meet their full potential gives me a sense of fulfilment. Watching their growth and development under my mentorship are some of my greatest achievements.

The programme, though challenging, was extremely comprehensive. Not only did it teach me a significant amount about audit but it also taught me about myself. It assisted me to grow as an auditor and as an individual.

I have already started encouraging other CAs to participate in the programme and will continue doing so. I feel that in order to grow as an auditor, the ADP is a must. Before I started with this programme I thought I knew everything that there was to know about the ISAs. However, after completing the programme I realised that there is a lot more that I have learnt and a lot more that can be learnt.

Anilda Botes

Graduation: 26 October 2018
ORA: Nicolaas Grobler

I chose to stay in the auditing profession as I find it very stimulating. The diversity of the clients we serve, meeting new people and being challenged are all factors that I considered when choosing to stay in the profession. Success follows passion. My passion is to implement all the knowledge and skills that I have acquired through my journey as a student. Also, I am passionate about developing talent and imparting the knowledge I have acquired over the past 10 years onto the new generation of clerks that join our firm.

It was overwhelming at first, and on numerous occasions I said that I would rather write an examination. However, if I have to look back at the process, it was refreshing and it challenged me to think out of the box. By doing the programme I have grown from a personal and business point of view and am a better professional because of it.

Disego Debeila

Graduation: 26 October 2018
ORA: Victor Makali

I am currently in public sector audit working for the Office of the Auditor-General which aims to build public confidence through auditing. My stay in audit is to contribute to the economy and ensure proper financial and governance systems through auditing.

The portfolio of evidence we need to submit assisted me with regards to the audit documentation process, which I am applying in my day-to-day work.

Besides auditing, my passion is assisting with community outreach programmes that alleviate poverty. I also want to push more for the inclusion of blacks to the audit profession to contribute meaningfully to the economy of the country.

Muhammad Cachalia

Graduation: 16 August 2018
ORA: Ramona Clark

Auditing is often an overlooked profession that can be very exciting if approached from the right perspective. To be a competent auditor you need a thorough understanding of business systems, finance, accounting frameworks, tax laws, legal requirements and audit frameworks at the same time; and you are constantly required to stay abreast of advancements in all of these fields. This ensures that an auditor always has a good understanding of all the relevant developments in these fields and ensures that auditors generally have great overall business acumen.

Auditing also allows me the opportunity to interact with many people in the business world who I otherwise would never have had a chance to interact with; and it allows me to gain valuable business insight based on these interactions with them.

I found the programme interesting and I appreciated the fact that the programme ensured that I had hands-on practical experience in the necessary competences before being signed off as a Registered Auditor; as opposed to having only academic knowledge of these competences, which are often not easy to really grasp by only reading about them.

After completing the programme, I really do feel more confident about my ability to practice as a Registered Auditor than I would have felt had I only completed a theoretical exam and then registered as an auditor. I hope to make a valuable contribution to the audit profession by pioneering new and improved methods of auditing and growing my firm into one of the leading audit firms in the country.

Stanley Ramalatso

Graduation: 16 August 2018
ORA: Victor Makali

Most CAs I have had a chat with indicated that a career in auditing is risky and it requires long hours, but in commerce there is not much pressure. Personally, I find auditing fulfilling, and a career that will expose me to different industries within a short period. The programme was an eye opener. When one completes training articles, one always thinks that they have acquired all the skills needed to be a professional and conquer the world. The programme helped me to achieve additional competences and skills that are important and needed for a Registered Auditor to succeed in practice. My future plan is to join one of the small existing auditing firms as a partner and help make that firm competitive in the market.